Stratagem participated in Nefertiti Project 6M Management & Scientific Meeting
Stratagem team participated in Nefertiti project’s 6M Management and Scientific [...]
Stratagem team participated in Nefertiti project’s 6M Management and Scientific [...]
Stratagem participated in the 1st Review meeting (18M meeting) of [...]
Stratagem, representing Dig-IT project consortium along with the project’s Coordinator [...]
STRATAGEM participated in the 18M technical meeting of Dig_IT Horizon2020 [...]
Stratagem participated in the Euro-MED launch event in Lisbon Portugal, [...]
STRATAGEM LTD, attended the 3rd Conference on the Design and [...]
STRATAGEM, as the Innovation Manager of the DEFEAT Project organized [...]
The Kick off meeting of our new H2020 project PestNu [...]
📢 We proudly announce that STRATAGEM has been appointed Task [...]
STRATAGEM team participated in BLUEfasma project’s meeting in Sardegna, on [...]