Our News
STRATAGEM participated in the EsSENce COST Action Kick off meeting
STRATAGEM participated in the Kick off meeting of EsSENce Project - High-performance Carbon-based composites with Smart properties for Advanced Sensing Applications, a COST Action funded by Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European [...]
BLUEfasma Circular Economy Knowledge base
The BLUEfasma partnership identifies, already developed, innovative best practices, tools, solutions, and methods related to the Circular Economy (CE) in the key blue growth sector of fishing/aquaculture. The BLUEfasma Circular Economy knowledge base systematizes them in order to deliver a well-organised online library to relevant SMEs and maritime clusters/networks assisting [...]
2nd Dig_IT Technical Meeting
The 19th October 2020, the second Dig_IT virtual technical meeting took place and STRATAGEM was there! The main meeting’s objective it was the control of deliverables progress and review process. The conference started with a summary [...]
Invitation to join the BLUEfasma e-network platform
The BLUEfasma supports innovative clusters and networks to increase their capacity and competence in blue CE market and promotes transnational synergies by strengthening and creating transnational networks. For this scope, the BLUEfasma e-network [...]
STRATAGEM participated in the H2020 project ROBINSON Kick off meeting.
STRATAGEM participated in the Kick off Meeting of ROBINSON project, funded by European Commission under Horizon2020 Innovation Programme (GA957752) which was held virtually on the 13th and 14th of October 2020. ROBINSON is [...]
STRATAGEM participated in the DEFEAT’s project kick off meeting
The virtual Kick off meeting of the H2020 Project DEFEAT - Development of an innovative insulation fire resistant façade from the Construction and Demolition Waste - took place on the 1st of July [...]
Sustainable Mobility Tourist Action Plan for Limassol city centre developed under CIVITAS DESTINATIONS Project
In the framework of our project “CIVITAS DESTINATIONS”, STRATAGEM developed a Sustainable Mobility Tourist Action Plan (SMTAP) for Limassol city centre which aims to satisfy the mobility needs of tourism and citizens towards [...]
1st Dig_IT Technical Meeting
The first Dig_IT virtual technical meeting took place on the 11th of September 2020. The session was focused on the sharing between partners of WP’S tasks state of progress which are currently proceeding on [...]
A channel has been created on YouTube platform named “CIVITAS DESTINATIONS” including all the videos that have been produced for the moment. You can access the channel by following this link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwYLxUO02OW4_-_anttVh9A Some [...]
Save the Dates for the Final Common Event of STRATAGEM’s Project “CIVITAS DESTINATIONS”
STRATAGEM is very happy to invite you to participate to the CIVITAS Living Lab’s Final Event! Over the past four years, the three CIVITAS Living Lab projects – CIVITAS DESTINATIONS, CIVITAS ECCENTRIC and [...]
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