Our News2019-01-27T21:57:41+00:00

Our News

BLUEfasma Circular Economy Knowledge base

The BLUEfasma partnership identifies, already developed, innovative best practices, tools, solutions, and methods related to the Circular Economy (CE) in the key blue growth sector of fishing/aquaculture.  The BLUEfasma Circular Economy knowledge base systematizes them in order to deliver a well-organised online library to relevant SMEs and maritime clusters/networks assisting [...]

Sustainable Mobility Tourist Action Plan for Limassol city centre developed under CIVITAS DESTINATIONS Project

In the framework of our project “CIVITAS DESTINATIONS”, STRATAGEM developed a Sustainable Mobility Tourist Action Plan (SMTAP) for Limassol city centre which aims to satisfy the mobility needs of tourism and citizens towards [...]

Save the Dates for the Final Common Event of STRATAGEM’s Project “CIVITAS DESTINATIONS”

STRATAGEM is very happy to invite you to participate to the CIVITAS Living Lab’s Final Event! Over the past four years, the three CIVITAS Living Lab projects – CIVITAS DESTINATIONS, CIVITAS ECCENTRIC and [...]

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