Our News
Stratagem participated in Nefertiti Project 6M Management & Scientific Meeting
Stratagem team participated in Nefertiti project’s 6M Management and Scientific meeting, which took place online, on January 24th, 2022. During the 6M meeting, all the Work Package Leaders presented the progress of each [...]
Stratagem participated in the 1st Review Meeting of Dig_IT project!
Stratagem participated in the 1st Review meeting (18M meeting) of Dig_IT project, which took place online on January 19th, 2022. The first intention was the meeting to be held physically, in Bergamo, Italy [...]
Stratagem participated in RMIS Workshop organized by JRC / HaDea representing Dig_IT project!
Stratagem, representing Dig-IT project consortium along with the project’s Coordinator ITAINNOVA, participated in “Channeling knowledge from European projects into the Raw Materials Information System (RMIS) ” workshop. The event took place online on [...]
STRATAGEM participated in the 18M technical meeting of Dig_IT Project
STRATAGEM participated in the 18M technical meeting of Dig_IT Horizon2020 project, which took place with physical presence in Kajaani, Finland, at the 23th & 24th of November, 2021. During the technical meeting, the consortium partners [...]
Stratagem participated in the Euro-MED launch event in Lisbon, Portugal!
Stratagem participated in the Euro-MED launch event in Lisbon Portugal, on the 2nd of December , 2021, learning about the new structure of Interreg programme, its mission and its objectives! The main goal [...]
Stratagem attended the 3rd Conference on the Design and Construction of Buildings in Cyprus.
STRATAGEM LTD, attended the 3rd Conference on the Design and Construction of Buildings which took place on November 11th, 2021, in Nicosia, Cyprus, representing it’s two relevant projects, DEFEAT and iClimabuilt. During the [...]
Stratagem conducted Exploitation and IP Management Workshops for the DEFEAT Project Partners.
STRATAGEM, as the Innovation Manager of the DEFEAT Project organized 4 small group online workshops for the Project Partners, during October 2021 with the thematic topic "Exploitation and IP Management Workshop". The workshops [...]
Kick Off meeting of our New H2020 project PestNu (Green Deal).
The Kick off meeting of our new H2020 project PestNu (GA101037128) took place digitally on Monday October 25th, 2021. PestNu project deals with the field testing and demonstration of Digital and Space Based [...]
STRATAGEM has been appointed Task Leader in the BRIDGE Initiative Business Models Working Group.
📢 We proudly announce that STRATAGEM has been appointed Task leader in the BRIDGE Initiative Business Models Working Group (BM WG) as part of its participation in the ROBINSON project. The BRIDGE BM [...]
BLUEfasma project meeting in Sardegna.
STRATAGEM team participated in BLUEfasma project’s meeting in Sardegna, on 2021, July 20th-22th. The meeting was hybrid as all the partners joined, either physically or digitally. The successful organization of the meeting is [...]
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