The aim of the coaching events are to provide a better appreciation of the challenges that cities face in developing SUMPs in Cyprus, and allow a constructive dialogue between the regional/national level and the city level in a country specific way. The coaching events act in part as awareness raising for less developed SUMP cities in Cyprus.

In total 3 coaching events were successfully implemented in Limassol, Cyprus on 01/12/2017, 18/05/2018 and 12/12/2018 where stakeholders including city representatives, high level of governments and other urban mobility professionals were presented.

During the event we had the opportunity to share our experience and ongoing activities regarding the SUMP of Limassol with the rest cities, had a constructive dialogue regarding the progress of Limassol SUMP, the priority measure packages, the expectations for the approval and implementation of the SUMP and any barriers we faced during its implementation and how we overcame these barriers. Thank you all for your precious collaboration!