A channel has been created on YouTube platform named “CIVITAS DESTINATIONS” including all the videos that have been produced for the moment. You can access the channel by following this link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwYLxUO02OW4_-_anttVh9A
Some of the recently added videos can be found below.
- A video called “DESTINATIONS WEBINAR: Understanding the links between Tourism and Mobility” presents the two DESTINATIONS partners, the project coordinator Claudio Mantero and the managing director of EIP consulting Lucia Cristea exchange views on the importance of understanding the links between tourism and sustainable mobility. You can find the video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCCpb77xTBc
- Another video presents part of a webinar dedicated to China, the largest outbound tourism market worldwide. In the course of the 4 years of the project, a number of technical visits of DESTINATIONS partners to China, as well as Chinese mobility experts from Beijing and Shenzhen to the DESTINATIONS islands took place in order to exchange views and expertise on important sustainable mobility policies and technologies, promoting a closer cooperation between China and European touristic destinations. The video “DESTINATIONS WEBINAR on International Cooperation and cross-fertilisation with China” can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCgrzcvIMZs&t=281s
- “DESTINATIONS Islands videos: Long Lasting Sustainable Mobility Achievements for Tourists & Citizens” is a video 30-min video that presents an outline of the main DESTINATIONS achievements during the life of the project 2016 – 2020. It first shows an outline of the main project objectives and achievements, followed by 5-min presentations of the success stories of the DESTINATIONS islands benefiting tourists and citizens alike. The videos were produced locally by the islands and present an overview of their work over the last four years to October 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn-NIxBgovc&t=305s A shorter 12-min version of the island videos is available in a separate video in the DESTINATIONS YouTube channel titled “DESTINATIONS Islands videos: Short Stories – Long Lasting Sustainable Mobility Achievements” and can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf7SVLXHHS4&t=137s
- Under title “DESTINATIONS WP7 WEBINAR on Strategies to attract tourists to PT” are briefly presented the six European island touristic destinations. Within this video are discussed the work on how to develop and implement strategies and tools to attract tourists to use Public Transport and in doing so to reduce traffic congestion and pollution and help promote sustainable mobility on their islands. This video can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5YRka4tkbo
- Under title “DESTINATIONS WP4 WEBINAR on Shared Mobility & e-Infrastructures towards zero emissions” visitors can watch a discussion regarding the shared Mobility & electromobility charging infrastructures and how can help promote sustainable mobility and lead to zero emissions on their islands. Video can be accessed via this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CqrfSRnSlI
- How to make public spaces more attractive and accessible for citizens as well as for tourists and in the process help promote sustainable mobility on their islands is discussed on “DESTINATIONS WEBINAR WP3 Attractive Public Spaces for all” video and can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvBGFuOmrSA
- Mobility Management and how behavioural change methods and techniques can help promote sustainable mobility on their islands topic can be watched on “DESTINATIONS WP6 Webinar on Mobility Management & Behavioral Change in touristic destinations” video via this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7Pp-DF–GA
- Separately videos presenting for each of the touristic destinations the implementation of the series of innovative sustainable mobility measures to improve the quality of life for citizens and tourists alike can be found on the CIVITAS DESTINATIONS YouTube Channel. More specific: “SITE PROFILE ELBA – video for CIVITAS Common Final Event” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOv0BobeoJc, “CITY PROFILE LIMASSOL – video for CIVITAS Common Final Event” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hySW7BjiTBI, “CITY PROFILE RETHYMNO – video for CIVITAS Common Final Event” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCBM-P0aAGU and “CITY PROFILE Malta – video for CIVITAS Common Final Event” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akyae4uq4-s
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