1st Dig_IT Technical Meeting

1st Dig_IT Technical Meeting

The first Dig_IT virtual technical meeting took place on the 11th of September 2020.

The session was focused on the sharing between partners of WP’S tasks state of progress which are currently proceeding on schedule. After the analysis of the actions already set in place, the future action plan was discussed, and some important deadline and new actions were fixed.

As for a recap, the Dig_IT project addresses the needs of the mining industry to move forward towards a sustainable use of resources while keeping people and environment at the forefront of their priorities. The Dig_IT project will develop a smart Industrial Internet of Things platform (IIoTp) that will improve the efficiency and sustainability of mining operations by connecting cyber and physical systems. The platform will collect data from sensors at 3 levels: (i) human, (ii) assets, (iii) environment and will also incorporate both market real time and historical data.

The next technical meeting is planned for mid-October in order to update the progress of the project.

We will keep you posted!


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