Stratagem participated in the 2nd Review meeting (36M meeting) of Dig_IT project, which took place online on May 30th & May 31st 2023. The meeting was held physically, in Kemi, Finland and was combined with a partners’ visit at the KEMI mine.

The Review meeting concerned the second reporting period of the project and except  the consortium partners, also the Project officer Mr. Dimos Paraskevas and a technical expert reviewer from the European Commission, Angel Jose Alfredo Rodriguez Lopez, participated.

During the meeting, all the Work Package Leaders presented their work progress from month 18 to month 36 of the project, and all the achieved milestones. Furthermore, the consortium partners were called to reply to the reviewers’ questions , doubts and concerns and to explain their strategies and work plans. Fruitful discussions and opinions exchange between the partners and the reviewers took place that led to suggestions and recommendations to be applied, in order to achieve further improvement in the project work in the following period.

Stratagem team presented Work Package related to Academy, Workplace and society outreach, which is the leader of, as well as clarified any concern related to the Life Cycle Assessment task which is task leader.

It has been a very interesting meeting in terms of knowledge and opinions exchange that fulfilled us all with more motivation and enthusiasm about Dig_IT project and in this regard we would like to thank all the partners and the representatives of the European Commission.