In a remarkable display of international collaboration, PestNu’s 24-month plenary meeting took place in Volos, Greece on 4-5 October, adopting a hybrid format. The event brought together 20 partners from 9 European countries to discuss the project’s progress.

Throughout the two-day meeting, work package and task leaders presented their achievements and outlined future plans. The discussions, both technical and non-technical, proved highly productive, fostering an environment of efficient communication and shared insights.

During the meeting, STRATAGEM shared its progress on communication and dissemination activities, as well as the business planning procedure. The main objective remains to increase awareness and public acceptance of the PestNu project.

On the second day, consortium partners visited the University of Thessaly’s Greenhouse facilities in Velestino, where they witnessed on-site demonstrations of the technologies developed within the PestNu project.

We extend our special thanks to the University of Thessaly for their outstanding organization and warm hospitality.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101037128.