We are pleased to share highlights from the recent 2nd General Assembly of the TwinAIR project, which took place at the Linkoping University, in Sweden, on February 25th and 26th, 2025.

During the meeting, leaders of Work Packages and Tasks provided comprehensive reports on the advancements achieved in the project over the previous period. STRATAGEM contributed to discussions and presented the progress in the  Work Package related to communication, dissemination, and exploitation .

Fruitful discussions among the consortium partners followed the Work Packages’ presentations which led to the creation of a promising action plan for the following period.

Furthermore, on both days tours at the campuses took place, showcasing the areas where the TwinAIR sensors have been installed.

Special thanks to Linkoping University for the great hospitality in Sweden!.

TwinAIR  project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No101057779.