Stratagem’s new publication on Utilisation of Glass titled ‘Utilization of glass for the production of inorganic polymeric materials for construction industry’ is now available online in the link :

The research work resulting to the publication was conducted during the project GOAL: Valorisation of Glass for the Development of Building Material , which was funded under the Research Promotion Foundation (RPF) – lately renamed to Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) – Programs For Research, Technological Development And Innovation “RESTART 2016 – 2020” with project number CONCEPT/0618/015.

During GOAL, Stratagem has studied the transformation of the glass generated in all municipalities from waste to secondary raw material for the production of innovative binders and hence of marketable pre-casted building materials.

The laboratory activities and research conducted  for the production of innovative building materials from glass, provided valuable research results included in the paper  ‘Utilization of glass for the production of inorganic polymeric materials for construction industry’.

The publication deals with the utilisation of glass coming from municipal waste for the production of inorganic polymeric materials with advanced mechanical properties, intended for the construction industry. The development of glass-based geopolymers achieving high compressive strength and low water absorption is briefly described in the paper and the produced materials are compared with some common construction and building materials. The results from laboratory preliminary activities for producing innovative building materials from glass, based on the innovative technology of geopolymerisation are also included.