The Kick off meeting of our new H2020 project PestNu (GA101037128) took place digitally on Monday October 25th, 2021. PestNu project deals with the field testing and demonstration of Digital and Space Based Technologies (DST) with Agro-Ecological and Organic Practices (AOP) in systemic innovation.


The 20 partners of the project’s consortium from 9 European countries along with the Project officer and the Financial Officer of the EC, had fruitful presentations and conversations about the project’s Work Plans and First Steps. The motivational spirit of the partners as well as the willingness to succeed and the passion to the Farm to Fork industry, create a very promising combination of “success materials”.

Stratagem is proud to be part of this interesting Green Deal project funded by the EC aiming to a real impact on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture.

At Stratagem we are excited to lead PestNu’s Work Package 6, which elaborates in Open Science and Innovation Actions. More specifically, Work Package 6 deals with PestNu’s Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation activities aiming in maximizing the project’s public exposure and future commercialization. Stratagem is also the Innovation Manager of the project, leading the IPR & Innovation Management activities, and will also contribute in Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Social Life Cycle Analysis.


PestNu project has received funding from the  European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037128.