The kick-off meeting of the Enabling Massive Integration of PV into Buildings and Infrastructure (MASS-IPV) project was held from November 27th to 29th, 2023. With the active participation of 19 partners from 6 European Union countries and Switzerland, alongside the European Commissions’s Project Officer, the hybrid event featured dynamic presentations and discussions outlining the project’s ambitious work plans and initial strides.
MASS-IPV envisions overcoming barriers and delivering cost-effective IPV systems through collaborative efforts. The meeting set the tone for the project’s journey, fostering a shared commitment to drive innovation and promote sustainable energy solutions across Europe. It was hosted by the project coordinator, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE.
STRATAGEM leads Work Package 6, which focuses on Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation. The organization, which was represented by Maria Zafiropoulou and Konstantinos Economou, will stand at the forefront of spreading awareness and ensuring the project’s impactful outcomes are communicated effectively.
On the second day, consortium partners had the opportunity to take a technical tour of the Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE facilities and explore Freiburg, fostering informal networking and collaboration.
Special thanks to Fraunhofer ISE for their exceptional hospitality, contributing significantly to the success of the kick-off meeting.
Stay tuned as STRATAGEM contributes to transforming the landscape of renewable energy!