Sustainable Mobility Tourist Action Plan – SMTAP

The SMTAP is being developing in Limassol city centre which will be focused on tourists needs for a better quality of life. A touristic mobility study is currently undertaken where the situation of the city is being analysed. The report will be released in the spring of 2019.

Promotion and creation of network for collecting of Used Cooking Oil – UCO

The network for collecting the UCO from hotels and restaurants from Limassol has been created. In total 20 hotels and restaurants participated in this network and we are expected to include up to 30 by the end of 2019. The results of this network will be released in February 2020.

Safe Routes to Schools

Up today 13 workshops have been implemented at primary schools where 900 students have been trained on how to behaviour safely on the road using an alternative mode of transportation. Additional workshops are planned to be implemented between January – March 2019.

Limassol city centre Urban Freight Logistic Action Plan – SULP

The SULP has been developed in Limassol city centre. In addition an online platform to manage the freight transportation key actors for a more efficient freight distribution will be developed in December 2018.

Bicycle Challenge: Competition between companies

In total 5 companies agreed to participate in this campaign, which lasted for 3 months and it was completed on 18th December 2017. Participants kept a logbook in which they were recording their daily cycling activity including the kilometers and the time they spent from home to work and back home. The report will be released in December 2019.